Tapping to the infinity - Chapter #2

EFT Training - Tapping Chapter 2

Relinquish melancholy- a small action for great results. 


Many of us experience depressed feelings, melancholy, and lack of energy.

These moods and feelings can catch up to us unexpectedly and often we might not understand the cause.

Even without knowing the catalyst, you can free yourself from the sensation within minutes by this simply wonderful exercise:

Step 1

While sitting or lying down with your eyes closed, imagine a black TV screen in front of you with a large glowing, golden or white ∞ sign.

Start tracing the ∞ sign with your eyes closed, make sure to only move your eyes while keeping the head and neck steady.

Begin from the center, trace to the left and upwards, and then to the right and upwards- repeat 4 times for each side.

Open your eyes slowly, take slow and deep breaths… Allow yourself to stay in this position for a few seconds and move into the next step.

Infinity Symbol - EFT Training

Step 2

Close your eyes once more while imagining the same black TV screen- reach out with your hand and trace the ∞ sign on the black screen.

Draw using your index finger on both sides separately and together- Starting towards the leftward and upward and then to the right and upward- repeat 4 times to each direction. 

Step 3

Tap the ∞ sign on the crown of your head, using both hands separately and together- repeat 4 times for each direction.

Imagine that you are dripping white or golden colored liquid into your head as you tap on top of it. Surrender to the deep and calming sensation. 



Infinity symbol guided exercises:

Chapter #3

Stabilizing your moods and energy- a small action for great results. Read more

Chapter #4

Self-expression improvement - a small action for great results. Read more

Chapter #5

Goal implementation in the brain - a small action for great results. Read more

Chapter #6

Increase your concentration- a small action for great results. Read more

Chapter #7: 

Physical pain relief - a small action for great results. Read more


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